Simulated Hardware

Simulated Military Equipment (SME)


In addition to generic EAGLE device, Minerva Simulation & Training also build cost effective Full, Fit, Form & Functional (3F/4F) Handheld Simulated Military Equipment (SME). The Minerva T-SSARF (Fit, Form & Functional SSARF SME) was used extensively during a number of high profile exercises in the UK & Canada. We work directly with our costumers and ensure we can meet their exact SME needs.

Mobile Joint Effects Trainers (MJET)

Minerva Simulation & Training have developed a Mounted Joint Fires & JTAC VBS3 Based Immersive Trainer. Ideal for short term individual/team JFO/JF/JTAC Training Events. The systems integrated Bearing Degrees & Mils functionally, Observer Location in MGRS/BNG, LRF/LTD/Thermal Viewing device & Rover 3 Down-link. This system is ideal for the training of reservists joint fires operators, the system can be delivered to any training location and it can include a full managed service if required.

EAGLE Virtual Reality Handheld (VRH) Device

The EAGLE range of tethered & Virtual Reality Handheld (VRH) viewing devices are designed to work with any gaming & simulation platform. They incorporate either 3DOF or 6DOF internal trackers. The EAGLE boasts some of the highest resolution (2560x1440) of any viewing device on the market today. The EAGLE is a General Purpose system designed for commercial gaming. However it can be used to replicate all in service Target Locating Devices which which makes the system ideal for JTAC, Joint Fires Observer and Mortar Fire Controller simulated Training. EAGLE provides the user with a "one shape fits all" cost effective multi-functional VRH device that will meet accredited/regulated training needs.