Message Text Formats

The JCSys team comprises Information Exchange Requirements and Message Text Format SMEs, who are experienced in all aspects of the MTF lifecycle, MTF Standards and their configuration management. Historically we have been intimately involved in the evolution of national and NATO standards. We provide pragmatic advice on MTF implementation and processing based on authoritative adherence to standards.

IER Capture

  • We provide tailored Information Exchange Requirement (IER) solutions in support of NATO and national operational requirements.  This has included support to the NATO Federated Mission Network and Friendly Force Tracking COIs.
  • Our team provides guidance to the operator in articulating IERs to satisfy evolving/emerging doctrine and procedures.
  • We deliver significant expertise in the NATO APP-15 IER Specification Process, including the ongoing development of the process itself through to technical authorship of the APP-15 Standard.
  • We provide IER Technical Support to the UK MoD and Front-Line Commands.
  • We are leading contributors to various national and NATO IER fora, including the UK Formatted Message Requirements Working Group and the NATO IER Harmonization Working Group.

IES Design


  • We are leading experts in the Information Exchange Specification (IES) and MTF development process, products and tools.
  • We support the configuration management of MTF standards, including NATO ADatP-3 that define the rules for MTF design. 
  • We support the MTF Capability Team (MTF CaT) Change Proposal process - ensuring technical solutions meet the operational requirements.
  • We are leading contributors to various national and NATO MTF fora, including the UK Formatted Message Configuration Working Group and the NATO MTF CaT.

MTF Publication

  • We Support the UK MoD in the development and publication of NATO APP-11 NATO Message Text Format Catalogue and the APP-11 UK Supplement standards.
  • We have developed and maintain a repository of MTF standards (NATO, UK and US) and messages (including XML schemas) on behalf on the UK MoD for sharing with COIs and industry. 
  • We work closely with partners in NATO and the US in an effort to harmonise APP-11 and MIL-STD 6040 MTF messages and standards.

MTF Implementation

  • Our team provides valuable support and advice to UK Strategic Command, Defence Digital and Front-Line Commands on issues relating to MTF policy.
  • We advise platform teams and operational COIs on the implementation of NATO, UK and US MTF standards to satisfy operational requirements.
  • We assist platforms in identifying implementation shortfalls and interoperability issues and advising on remedial actions.